Contact Us

Contact details for appointments or other patient enquiries:

Appointments can be booked online in real time

To book an appointment online please register as a new patient by clicking the button below.

Register as a New Patient

If you have already registered

Schedule an Appointment On-line.

Or please complete our on-line enquiry form below. Please provide as much detail as possible to enable us to direct your enquiry quickly and efficiently.

Thank you

Please note all visits by appointment only.

Covid19 Update: The clinic is open as usual, to observe social distancing your initial appointment with consultants can take place via a videolink if you wish. We have a range of tests that can be done remotely, some tests may need to be arranged in clinic. Your consultant will make the testing plan for you during your video appointment and will do required arrangements. If you need an urgent appointment we will do our best to arrange a video consultation on the same day.

Dr Robert Boyle - MB ChB, MRCPCH, PhD